Oregon Visit

late May 2017 we went up to Oregon to check out the scenery and visit family. I've never seen Oregon, so it was fantastic to once again, have reality unravel from my imagination expectations. The first thing I noticed was.... green!!!  The green overgrown forest reminded me of Russia, and Northern California. The moss, the pine, late spring eiderdown floating through tress. etc..

Somewhere on the Washington side of Columbia River.

Somewhere on the Washington side of Columbia River.

The tree bark shows signs of wear.

The tree bark shows signs of wear.

It was crazy!The forest still with the birds and insects singing, rustling of leaves, scents of sap.

Sometimes I imagine Siberia reaching all the way through Alaska and down the Western mountain ranges into Northern California.




We drove to the coast first,

24bit 94 Khz

24bit 94 Khz

through the valley, up through the Tillamook Range until we could sense the golden coastal air. I recorded the ocean and took exploration photographs.

Warning System baffles local gulls.

Warning System baffles local gulls.

Ocean Wispers

Ocean Wispers

The coast was pristine. It was nice being 1000 Km north of my local beach on the same coast. I wonder If I can hang glide down?

Approximate location of Bald Eagle sighting. May 28, 11:21 AM

Approximate location of Bald Eagle sighting. May 28, 11:21 AM

Just driving around with a camera.


Walking where


But at only that

moment :)


Current status unavailable

Current status unavailable


I also shot lots of 35mm

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Perfect Sandwich Awaits You

Perfect Sandwich Awaits You

We drove futher, snacking

Finally, I saw the lands

up north. Oregon.