Trappist-1 Exoplanet Discovery - Who Will Find Who First?

This is my rendering of the imagined landscape of one of the Trappist 1 newly discovered exoplanets that could potentially harbor life. What an amazing life time discovery! What an amazing time to dream beyond our solar system, for reals. But, what are the dangers of exploring a new solar system? Could it make us vulnerable to potential extra - terrestrials hunting for energy and knowledge? - or should we approach the new frontier with human trust and kindness? These are the questions being posed in a new era of discovery aided by technology. Extra terrestrial communications ethics of conduct is something that I started pondering after first learned of the Voyager golden record. After the initial amazement and awe with the whole concept, a dark thought started to set in, one that hinted on the notion that Voyager giving away our coordinates with blind trust could be a dangerous thing, but I hope because of the distance,  time is keeping us safe. If aliens are as violent and energy hungry as we humans are, we could be in for a treat. :)

Imagine a fantastic new landscape on one of the Seven new Earth - sized exoplanets that have just been discovered!

Imagine a fantastic new landscape on one of the Seven new Earth - sized exoplanets that have just been discovered!

Trappist-1 Exoplanet Landscape Rendering 2